When You Get Sunset in Phuket Beach

The Beauty of Beach "Lets go to the Bus!" Mr. Driver exclaimed loudly to the travelers. One of the team leaders, named Kun Pun, tried to negotiate with the driver about the trip schedule. Kun Pun explained that there might be traffic on the way to the beach in the evening. So Kun Pun suggested to the leader to change the plan for the trip. We hurriedly boarded the bus and I chose to sit near Kun Pun so I could enjoy the scenery along the way to Phuket. We go from hotel Our hotel is located inside the campus of Prince of Songkla University. It's a nice hotel with clean rooms and excellent facilities. I also have the opportunity to go for a run around the campus for exercise, as it's a beautiful place. As we departed from the campus, the bus slowly made its way out through the campus gate. While the driver focused on the road, my friend started singing a song, "Let's go to the sunset." Welcome to California Welcome to California! They said ...

Muengkom not Nong Muang

It was an reading mistaken when I saw a ticket bus to the place in Loburi. So please be Aware with the Thai text in the ticket bus. it will bring you to the wrong places.

I said Mung Kom but She said Nong Muang หนองม่วง. Hm Its  my mistake. I am not really seen in the ticket Nakhonchai Bus Tour Travel that my destination is  Nong Muang not Mueng Kom. It is why i just pay 175 THB for this bus Ticket. Usually I paid more than 250 bath. There is mistaken. yes true.

This morning i will make a travel trip to petchebun the place that i will spent around two days. I love this places because near Pitsanulok province. I will take the bus from Bokoso 2 (terminal Bus in phitsanulok) it will take about 4 hour to arrive Mung kom. Travel to petchebun already i have done several times. I still want to travel there.

There is two ways from Phitsanulok. I can use mini bus or Bus. the ticket bus and mini bus is same 250 THB. it will take 4 hour to arrive in the Petchebun City. Today I decide to take a Bus to go there.
The weather so good. and not so many pasengger today.

and I was here to get the Bus to ban klang.


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